coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Friday, February 10, 2017

A morning in the life

At 7:00 a.m., I stumbled into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. I ate oatmeal while checking my blog for comments and reading your blogs. I put in focused Facebook time moderating that "secret group." I need postcards; instead, I wrote call-to-action letters to politicians who don't care. I do some variation on this theme most mornings. I usually do more of the same in the late afternoon or early evening. It is a post-Hillary thing. I think my husband (and many other husbands) fear his wife is becoming obsessed. We are not obsessed; we are persistent.

About 9:00 a.m., T and I rode our bikes to the post office. The sweet post office lady was out of pre-stamped postcards, which I took as a good sign. No problem, I can order them online. We are doing great things for the U.S.P.S.! On my way out I noticed white caladium making a spring comeback under a massive live oak.

Then we rode our bikes
to a park on Lake Apopka to see what we could see.
We did not see any alligators, but there was plenty of bird activity. The park's boardwalk has been closed to the public for 6 months. Repairs and maintenance are needed, but things do not happen quickly in Central Florida. Our sleezeball governor is probably withholding funds for this just like he's withholding funds to clean up the Everglades.

In the meantime, birds took over the boardwalk. I am sure they think the people-free boardwalk now belongs to them. A bald eagle has even taken to sitting at the edge of the walkway, but not today.

It was about 10:30 when we returned home.  Since I was already dirty, sweaty, and slathered in sunscreen I decided to stay outside and weed. Have I told you that I love to weed? Well, I do. It makes me feel accomplished. I am not sure why housework doesn't have the same effect.

I was gloriously filthy when I finished. T mulched over my work with thick layers of pine straw around cabbage palms, bromeliads, and azaleas. In a few areas I asked him not to mulch because caladium lived there last summer. They seemed happy and thrived until the cooler weather came. I'm keeping a lookout. No sign of them yet.

Here is a bad iPhone photo of the boardwalk this morning.  See the blue heron on the left?


  1. She was warned. Nevertheless, she persisted. We are fighting, and we won't go down. Those weeds better watch out, too.

    1. Oh, those weeds are easy to get rid of once we can identify them as weeds... #gardeningasametaphorforlife

  2. I love how you spent your morning. Yes to pre-stamped postcards. We plan to get some of those too. No weeding here, though. Rain rain and more rain. That boardwalk is beautiful!

    1. I'm glad to hear you are getting rain. You Californian's have had a rough time of it in recent years.

  3. You did more before 0:00 than I did all day.

    1. It was a day full of things to do. We babysat for our grandson in the afternoon, too. The theme was Tinkertoys.

  4. You may understand my awe of this photograph when I tell you that today as well as yesterday and seemingly every day since and into the future, the skies have been grey and the temps borderline freezing here. For reasons in known, all my snowdrops have decided to produce only leaves and, oh well, you have sunshine, you get to sweat and you see herons. I could write 'not fair' or 'sad' but that sounds like some twitter idiot. Keep up your good work. We are counting on you.

    1. Winter is the best time here. It is not unbearably hot or humid. Still, the trade off is that we don't get snowdrops, or daffodils, or any early spring bulbs. Herons are a dime a dozen. I have to force myself to even take pictures of them now. Decadent! I know. I'm sending "here comes the sun" mojo your way.

  5. A day in the life....feel like I was there. Cleaning the dirt from under my nails right now ♥ Lovely

  6. The good thing is that you have your garden and are not in the winter up north where everything is looking grey. We did get some snow yesterday and it was spectacular, if you didn't have to drive in it. I didn't and was grateful for that.

    Barney Frank wrote an article about getting your message across to those in charge of our government. He said to only write to those who are in your voting district. They care most about keep their jobs and those who can't vote for them, don't matter. I will now save on postcards.

    1. I loved it when it snowed on the weekend so I could curl up and stay home (and off the roads). It can be so beautiful.

    2. Sadly the Truth that they care most about keeping their jobs is exactly what is wrong with The System... makes me Sad since we want and NEED them to care about more than just that. Dawn... The Bohemian

  7. One of my favorite" things about Fl is the birds! Love how they're lined up on that pier...My least favorite thing about FL is our self-serving, anti-environment, no-such-thing-as-global-warming, turtlehead governor!

  8. I love " chatty" posts like this one....more please x

  9. I currently have 2 feet of snow mulch on my gardens. It will be quite a while before I am actually weeding, which suits me just fine.

    I am fortunate that all my congressional representatives vote exactly the way I would. I am concentrating on a more focused issue approach to my resistance which will be a blog post if ever I get my rear in gear.

    1. Looking forward to reading it. Stay warm. Let us know when the early spring bulbs start to push up. Take pictures! I miss spring fever.


So, whadayathink?