coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Thursday, January 31, 2019

When company departs

Visitor season in Florida is going on full force as the frozen Northlanders make their way south to warm up. This natural phenomenon also warms up our hearts.

The only downside to visitors is the ridiculous amount of food that is leftover when they leave.  Honestly, I try my best to stuff them like sausages when they are here, but legally I am unable to force feed them. Or at least that's what my husband tells me.

T's daughter R (my fairy stepdaughter) left this morning. It was hard to see her leave because we love her so freakin' much and enjoy getting to know her. So I was sad when we walked into the house after dropping her off at the airport. Sad is a very dangerous state to find yourself in when there is half a pecan pie AND a third of a red velvet cake in the fridge. Or potato chips in the pantry. Oh wait, aren't there a couple of pints of ice cream in the freezer, too? 


  1. My mother-in-law loved having company too. But after 4 days she was ready for us to go. She was a gracious host but then she wanted her house back to herself.

    1. We all become attached to our normal routines.

  2. Only a Wicked Stepmother (that's you) would make someone wear that on their head. Glad you are getting into the swing of that! (And have a party with your neighbors to eat up the food.)

  3. Some fairy step-daughter abandoned a champagne cocktail? Pecan pie. Cake and ice cream. You do sound like a hard place to leave.

    1. However, the champagne cocktail was fully consumed at Disney Springs.

  4. I agree with Joanne, you sound like a hard place to leave!!! winks

  5. Sounds like it was a lovely visit.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks. I threw out the pie and cake. But I ate the damn potato chips this evening. Love hurts.

  7. I suspect you would not get on with Evelyn Waugh but then few did. In his diary he writes about the exquisite moment when the last guest closes the door behind him, silence descends, a glass of whisky is poured, and he (EW) opens up a novel "like Portrait of a Lady." That may have been the moment when I decided to take Henry James seriously. In fact PoaL was enjoyable, as was The Bostonians, but let us draw a veil over The Awkward Age and/or the first page of The Ambassadors.

    1. I'm sure I would have liked him. I am also sure I would have got on his nerves.

  8. I feel that way too when visitors leave - the house echoes for a few days, though I do like getting back to my own routine. And I hear you about neighbors "As if I know them!" It seems to be a FL thing or else the houses are too far apart and whatever happened to sidewalks? Nevertheless, you need to cultivate some locals to eat that pie and cake....

    1. I gave some to my daughter's family, but there was still so much left I had to end up throwing it away. I suspect that my neighbors aren't too friendly because I'm from the North. And I don't go to church. And vote Democrat.

  9. Yes when we are sad food can be such a comfort, unfortunately. February 2nd would have been my late husband’s birthday and I felt sad this week-end – usually I go to dark chocolate to ease the pain. This time I decided to get back to visiting my blogging friends’ blogs for comfort, and it helps and does not add calories!

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing one's life partner is as about as big a loss as one gets. You have my deepest sympathy. Here's to the healing power of dark chocolate and blogging friends!

  10. I'm never one to pass on champagne. But my husband brought home a couple of pink champagne cupcakes from work and they were too sweet even for me!


So, whadayathink?