coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Monday, March 21, 2022

How much drama is really enough?

I went to Tampa last week to serve as a chaperone for granddaughter E's high school theater troupe at the 2022 Florida Thespian Festival. 

I knew there would be lotsa drama, but sheesh! It was one thing after another. I can't bring myself to recount the technical problems, endless emotions, REAL highs, and REAL lows yet. Too soon. 

There are 49 students in E's troupe. Festival organizers were expecting 9,000 students to attend over 4 days of endless events. There were two large locations, and trolleys to take people back and forth to events. 

E played dramatic lead in a small one-act play that received "top honors" in that category. Some of her friends competed for voice, costume design, technical expertise, and set design. So much talent!

The large group, mainstage musical was presented at Tampa's Morsani Hall, which seats 2,610. It was jam packed with theater crazed teenagers who really knew how to "voice" their appreciation. Best audience ever! One of the other chaperones said it best when she quipped "They finally got the audience they deserve." 

E played the risqué grandmother with panache. She's always been one to steal the show with comic timing and outrageous theatrics. Can I tell you that she got the most applause at the curtain call? Because she did. It was deafening. They loved her and she loved them. She dazzled, throwing ostentatious kisses that would make Gloria Swanson proud! She pointed at the crowd and threw her arms up in the air waving "come hither" towards herself for more applause. The audience went wild.

The mainstage musicals were not a competition. They already competed last fall at district competitions, and only a handful of musicals were chosen from throughout the state to perform at the festival. Being one of those performances was the award. I'm glad. Lack of rivalry enabled the many troupes to mingle, support each other, and enjoy the moment.  

I'm so happy I went. I love that young woman.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Down on the ground.

I try to remain positive. Unfortunately, I'm down. I'm really down. Who isn't?

Of course there is a war taking place that is so critical, so important. If Valdemort is allowed to win the entire world loses. It feels like Star Wars, y'all! And that half of my country with their heads up their asses are whining about the price of gasoline. 

There are still people who don't believe in climate change, for crying out loud!  These are the things that keep me up at night, worrying on behalf of those who are too shortsighted to worry.

In addition, right now there are a number of "issues" with people I love in my large extended family. A death, legal battles, harsh realities limiting young people's options, unhappiness, struggle, drug addiction, alcoholism, emotional pain. You know what I mean. I'm not the only one. It seems like the more people you have in your life, the more possibilities there are for both great love and crippling heartache. 

Empathy! That gut feeling which, left uncontrolled, will lead to compassion, thoughtfulness, and caring. The revelatory fire that increases intelligence, insight, and ties us to our fellow humans.  

Opening your heart to love can seem like an act of courage in hard times. It is, but I do so want to be brave.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Troubles in the blogosphere

I am unable to comment on other people's blogs now.  I am also unable to reply to comments on my blog. WTH?

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

I know nothing

I don't know, do you?  Probably not.  It's all so freakin' complicated. 

In all seriousness, what is wrong with so many people in this world?  People who litter, refuse to wear masks, won't recycle, really, really want to believe the lies of thugs and tyrants, don't believe in science, want all the power and money for themselves, try to hide historical truths, blah, blah, blah.  I'm so tired of stupidity, hatefulness, and meanness of spirit.   

I think Western leaders have been brilliant with their unified front and kick ass sanctions against the evil one.  But I hate that once again, their brilliance and ability to act as a unified force for good is sidetracked by those who would destroy the world for their own gain.  

Yesterday's New York Times was filled with war news.  Halfway down there was a small article that caught my attention.  It should have been the top story, dammit!

Today, again half way down, was this:

What the Hell?  And I do mean Hell, because this power grab in the Ukraine smells like a lake of burning sulfur.  

P.S. After posting this, I find I can no longer comment on other people's posts.  Please know I'm reading your posts!  What a world.