coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Some pictures from Animal Kingdom

Today I'm going to Epcot with my daughter and granddaughter. We all own annual passes for Florida residents. They were expensive enough that we go to the parks often to justify the absurd expense. I favor Animal Kingdom, but daughter and granddaughter like Epcot. I happily shuffle along with the younger ones. Well, usually behind them. They look back occasionally to make sure I'm still there, ha. Don't worry, I won't let them out of my sight.  

Today we're eating lunch in Japan. Granddaughter E is leaving soon for London, and I'm happy to spend this time with her. I think today I'll try a vegetarian sushi roll. Why not?

Last week grandson N was not in school yet, so we all went to Animal Kingdom. The best things about Animal Kingdom are all the shaded areas and animals. I will always be a sucker for the Safari bus ride. Here are some pics of Animal Kingdom.

Nicobar Pigeon

Victoria Crowned Pigeon





I don't remember what this is.  


Crinum Lily


Monday, August 12, 2024

My grandchildren

My grandson, N, starts 7th grade today. Yeah, I don't know how that happened, either. It really does seem like yesterday that he was a 3 year old.  

I think back to my own 7th grade experience, and I know he is in for big changes this year. Although he and I are the same height today, he'll be taller than me by the end of the school year. His voice may change. He will develop new interests. He will become a teenager.  

His older sister, E, is going to London for the fall semester. She is a junior in college, and I'm looking forward to her having a great and wondrous time. She'll be back at Christmas when she will be older, wiser, and more worldly. I will be in awe of her when she returns. I'm in awe of her now.

These two! My heart is full of love.