coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Monday, October 21, 2024


Although anxiety is having its way with me, exhaustion is paramount. Why? There are a number of reasons, triggers all. Of course the upcoming election is driving all of us a little mad. That's the worst of it. If it wasn't for that, real life worries would be manageable.

The other reasons are personal, things I don't really want to think about let alone write about. These are things that will pass, I don't need to obsess over them. As always, I'll just ride it out. Everything will be fine.

All I want to do is sleep until November 5. If things go badly in the election, I may never want to wake up. But I will find a way out of fear and despair. I'm almost sure of it.

Hey, I always do.


  1. Me too! Though I don’t think we’ll know results on the 5th. I’m prepared to have to wait a few days but what a gift it would be if it’s a blue tsunami and no question about It. i live in a red state but not a dfference maker. Your angst has to be magnified by the craziness in FL politics. Hang in there, friend. MS Nell

  2. Anxiety and exhaustion. That's a tough combination. I do hope you find bits of peace and joy to get you through the next couple of weeks.

    For the life of me, I cannot understand how this race is presumably so close. It is such a sad commentary on the state of our nation. But I remain hopeful that common sense will prevail and that folks who just cannot bring themselves to vote for a democrat/woman/Black will, at least, not pull the other lever.

    Sending hope and virtual hugs.

  3. Ugh here too, winter coming, nazi populists gaining ground in my country, health issues, climate change, the usual - almost. But we are still here, still alive, still hopeful Hang on in there!

    1. Still hopeful, the only other choice is unthinkable.

  4. People close to me suffer from anxiety. It is a difficult condition to deal with. If I had a solution I'd offer it. I will keep good vibrations heading your way.

  5. No matter what happens in this election we will move forward. Despite all the "it's the end of the world" rhetoric, the fact is, it's just another election, and there are checks and balances to help contain Trump should he (God forbid) win. Do I think he's a threat? Yes. Do I think he'll bring about the end of the world, or the end of Democracy as we know it? You never know, but I'd like to think there are enough sane people in power to curtail his worst impulses.


So, whadayathink?