I refuse to admit to depression in the face of this wild U.S. roller coaster ride. That's what he wants. My fear, of course, is that the roller coaster hasn't been maintained properly and a crash is imminent.
I've been amusing myself reading a history of 14th century Europe. It was a time of petty tyrants, violence, and chaos. The book is "A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century" by Barbara W. Tuchman. Fabulous read, albeit a bit slow. I spend a lot of time pulling out my phone to google things like the Beghards, or Charles V. It's quite the learning experience. Why I need to learn anything more is not really clear to me; however, it's fun. (That's the depression I'm pretending not to have speaking. Ignore her).
It's hard to describe why I find this book so comforting. I guess I am reminded that history is cyclical, and time marches on. Things change.
My foray into the 14th Century has been so encouraging, that I just ordered a used hardcopy of "Europe: A History" by Norman Davies. That one goes all the way back to the cave men. I can't wait. I just wish it was available as an ebook. It's 1200 pages, and going to be physically uncomfortable to read.
How do you manage reading actual books that are so darn heavy?
It's really hard not to let what's happening in the States (and around the world) scare you. Really f'n hard.
ReplyDeleteSoooo f'n hard.
DeleteI, too, refuse to give him what he wants and am looking at history and all the evidence of the survival of something powerful in human beings that can't be destroyed by tyrants.
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting, what comes next.
DeleteI will be full of I-told-you-sos soon. I am hoping that those folks will open their eyes sooner rather than later. I will say that all the hatred is hard to deal with.
ReplyDeletePlus, hate makes a person ugly.
DeleteI've been re-reading books that have been sitting on the top shelves in the spare room and am trying to find my way through primatology and anthropology and the history of patriarchy (my daughter's uni books mostly) and let me tell you the males of our ancestors have not made much of a contribution to human evolution apart from the obvious. We are where we are because our female ancestors figured out how to share, co-parent, fiercely defending their offspring and their survival since the dawn of mammals. Patriarchy is a fairly "new" and unsuccessful concept. There's hope.
ReplyDeleteWe live in hope.
DeleteI try to remember there were periods even worse, more ugly, more painful. It's just moronic to be repeating history.
ReplyDeleteSO true.
DeleteDiversions are good.
ReplyDeleteReading heavy (literally) books can be a challenge as I prefer to read while lying down. I shall be investing (soon) in tools that will help in that regard.
Take deep breaths and read.
I like to read in the same way, with my kindle. For these big books I've sat up and used a couch pillow on my lap to help hold the book up. Not ideal, but it's working.
DeleteI can see where you would find it interesting to look at past crazy times to get comfort. I feel that this will pass, also, it is just difficult to watch the cruel, hateful, chaotic craziness that is ruining our country. I think that is their intent and I hope they are stopped soon.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit to a profound lack of interest in history of any description. Some historical events I can't avoid as they're constantly thrust at me, like the Holocaust or the Second World War or the Cuban Missile Crisis, but I have no inclination to actually read about history. But you do make that book sound interesting. I might even look out for it at the local Waterstones.
ReplyDeleteOh, I am feeling much the same. Time to take comfort in the small kindnesses in life. The world is full of lovely people it's just so grim that the wrong ones seem to get the most power.
ReplyDeleteA big book is best read while tucked up in a warm bed, lots of pillows, knees bent to take the weight of the book!
Thank you!!!! I'll try it.
DeleteThe more I read history books, the more I realize that, politically, the same greed and cruelty just keeps going around and round. A story as old as time. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteMany of these history tomes are also available as audible books, which I often enjoy as they are read with the accents of the day.
Humans have screwed up so many civilizations because of power and greed and hate. "When will we ever learn?"
ReplyDeleteIn all honesty I am scared right now of this new USA. I can't read or watch anything right now that isn't light, uplifting and/or funny. Yes, it's a form of denial I suppose. But it's what I do so I don't hurt an immigrant named musk or his orange puppet
ReplyDeleteThings are going to get much worse. Musk is engaged in a coup behind the scenes using Trump to distract us. But you are right history is cyclical. Tyrants rise, the people resist, the people get comfortable and complacent and forget or rather have no direct experience, tyrants rise again.
ReplyDeleteAnd continuing to learn stimulates the brain and helps keep us from becoming doddering old fools.