coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell
Showing posts with label Fate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fate. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

This election will never end!

I hope by writing this title down I will jinx the "Endless Waiting."  I'm using a little of that "reverse psychology" my old sainted Mother used to swear by. Also, I'm desperate for this to end. I have a bottle of expensive champagne in my fridge that I would like to drink in celebration sooner rather than later. It calls to me with a siren's allure.

We need to remind the Fates (those dangerously potent ladies) that this election has a life of it's own. Clotho has done her work, but Lachesis seems to be savoring her moment. Atropos can cut the thread and seal our destiny. Although, who am I to question Lachesis?  
Yes, I AM a little nervous that I've garnered the attention of the ancient Moirai. I guess I should include the words please and thank you. Please, ladies, don't let the lying liar who lies steal the election. Thank you.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  

The three Fates spinning the web of human destiny, sculpture by Gottfried Schadow, 1790, part of the tombstone for Count Alexander von der Mark; in the Old National Gallery, Berlin.  From the Encyclopaedia Britannica.