coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I Voted.

This morning T and I got up early and went to the polls to vote in the Florida primary.  I am wearing my little "I VOTED!" sticker on my t-shirt, and I think I might keep it on all day. 

I am so *&^$#@ sick of this election cycle and all the negative crap everyone has to say and prove about the candidates they are not supporting.   I am a very political person.  I care strongly about this election.  I adore my candidate.  I am fiercely loyal to my political party.

The insanely hateful frenzy that dominates social media these days is bringing me WAY down low.  If you want to convince me to support your candidate, then don't tear mine down.  Take the time and use the facts to prove how good yours is.  Trying instead to prove how bad mine is, and using half-baked innuendo to do so, just pisses me off.

The endless tirades we have to endure on Facebook are just TOO much.  Saturday morning I woke up and checked my feed.  The sexist, racist, mindless propaganda waiting for me kinda pushed me over the edge.  I posted the following:

"Going off Facebook for awhile. Can't take all the mean-spirited crap that passes as political discussion. I need a break. Enjoy."

I am already feeling more positive about the world, the future, and the entire human race.  Instead of allowing myself to be dragged down into the abyss, I am just going to vote.  And I am going to respect everyone's right to do the same. 



  1. That works! I was the 48th person to vote at 9 am this morning, and then I watched a steady stream of cars as I sat and worked until 1 pm this afternoon. Will be an interesting evening tonight.

    1. Yes, Ohio is going to be an interesting race. Let's see how this all plays out.

  2. It hasn't come to PA yet, and I am not looking forward to it. This is the worst political race I have ever seen and it makes me ill. I have picked my candidate and I pray she wins.

  3. I should be half so wise as you. A few weeks yet until my state votes and I'm so thoroughly disgusted by what passes for campaigning these days...

    'Nuff said. =)

    1. I've stopped watching political commercials on TV, too. We tape anything we watch on the major networks and just speed through the crap. I'm DONE with negative BS. Life is too short.

  4. Imagine if everyone took the time they spent on social media and volunteered even a quarter of that time to their communities? World changed.

    1. Seriously! And life would have so much more meaning.

  5. I'm with you!
    What good does the negative stuff do? Except to make everyone worry and disturbed. I'm picking my candidate based not only on her ability to guide the US but on her ability to understand and work with other nations, with knowledge and dignity.


So, whadayathink?