coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Perfect Man Valentine

I was wandering around our local Publix (the ubiquitous Florida grocery store), looking for something to pick up as a Valentine for my Tom.  He usually buys me candy, so I didn't really want more candy in the house.  Plus, I count on him to help me eat mine. 

Romantic dinner, I thought!  Steak, baked potatoes, salad, wine, maybe grilled asparagus.  "Yeah," I thought to myself, "that's the ticket."

Imagine my delight when I came upon this heart shaped Ribeye steak in the meat cooler:

Happy Valentine's Day, Baby!


  1. Looks like the perfect steak for the romantic dinner. Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Same to you, Robin. I hope you are well and happy today.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, I thought it was brilliant. I'm sure they sold a lot of ribeye steaks this week.

  3. Now that is the most perfect Valentine’s gift for a man.

  4. Clever marketing and of course very sharp of you to spot it. Eat it in good health!

    1. There were so many on display, it was hard to miss. And it was on sale for $9.99/pound.

  5. For several years I've bought a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day, but this year Jenny decided that didn't appeal any more,so now we're just having a tasty meal instead. We don't even fancy any wine. Such abstemiousness!

  6. That's funny. We did a seafood risotto for our romantic dinner.

  7. Serendipity. Happy Valentine's Day to you both!


So, whadayathink?