coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


A commonly repeated theme in my dream life is signing up for classes and then just not showing up.  For some reason, I don't take the trouble to drop the classes, I just stop going.  Sometimes (in my dream) I wonder if I should just show up for the final exam, but I've never read the materials.  It's very unsettling.  


  1. As a former teacher, my recurring dream is suddenly being assigned a class to teach for which I've not prepared, and in a classroom so elusive I usually can't get there. Oh, and I'm always late, besides.

    1. I had an attack of anxiety just reading this, ha!

  2. Intriguing what some of us dream when we are unsettled, especially when that theme recurs.

    In this past unsettling week or so, I dreamed an unsettling variation of a dream I've had since 1970. The repeated theme has been that I am awakened from sleep by someone or something life-threatening in my bedroom, lunging toward me. In the dream variation this time, there was no one in my bedroom, but I had awakened to find that someone had left a largely unintelligible handwritten message on the top surface of my chest of drawers. There were random words jotted down (I can't remember any of the words) and phone numbers and names that I didn't recognize. In the dream I wondered who could have gotten into my bedroom without my knowledge. Had I given a key to someone? I struggled to make sense of something that didn't make sense.

    When I woke up I was immensely relieved that it was all a dream.

    Hmmm ... There's so much in the world that is unsettling and is beyond understanding. That's for sure.

  3. I lived that dream once. It was a summer class on some author or another. The prof assigned a text book, then proceeded to read a chapter in each class. Open your books; he read us a chapter from beginning to end and dismissed us. I quit going. I'd run into my seat mate from time to time; "No, he just read another chapter." I took the final, aced it. Got our grades. I had a B. I stormed into his office. Attendance was part of the grade; you got a B because of attendance. There was no recourse for me, all the way to the dean, and no discipline for him for how he taught. Long time ago.

    1. Great story. The guy was obviously not a teacher. I cheered when I read that you aced the final. Bummer about the B, though.

  4. I used to have dreams like that when I was in school but I don't think I've had them since. I think they're pretty common for students!

  5. Well, your dreams are better than mine. My anxiety dreams involve showing up for class without my pants. At least you were spared THAT!

    1. I'm very thankful I've never had that particular dream.

  6. I keep having school reunion dreams. In my dreams I am usually in charge of organizing a get together and I am always frantic about getting it all done in time and I always wake up before everything gets done. Stressful dreams! :)

  7. I've been dreaming (nightmaring if there is such a word) about my science exams, esp. physics, for most of my life since I failed the first of many. The dream has me on the morning before the exam realising that I haven't clue. It goes from there into utter fright.

  8. Aspirations defeated by inertia?

  9. Well, I suppose whether we are prepared or not, we will all have to face the final exam.

  10. There should be Cliff Notes for dreams! It's my head, there should be some way for me to make sense of the bizarre things that happen in there when I'm unconscious!


So, whadayathink?