coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Card tricks and magnets

Our grandson N is in middle school now.  He's rarely silly anymore, darn it.  A couple months ago he stopped hugging me hello or goodbye. I knew it would happen eventually, but I didn't see it coming so soon. Darn! I never had a boy child, so male growing pains are new to me. It's quite interesting.  

He came over alone the other day to make cookies. He swaggered in and took over the kitchen. He likes to cook, and has created his own special cookie recipe. The cookies are good, too. He started right in, not needing my advice or help in any way, shape, or form.  

When the cookies were done, he played with magnets for a while, and then wanted to go home. We couldn't take him right then. I needed to find something to entertain him with for one more hour, so I brought out a deck of cards.

At first he entertained me with card tricks. Then he built card structures. I was afraid it wouldn't go well and he'd be annoyed, but no! He successfully build a small structure and he was both surprised and pleased. Finally, we settled down to a game of War. Grandpa even joined in. It was like turning back the clock, back to those old days when the three of us were the best of friends. We laughed, slapped the cards down, and teased each other. Honestly, it was the best time I'd had in weeks.


  1. Ah, the pains of them growing up. I remember it well with my four but have not had to deal with that with grandchildren. (They better hurry....I am not getting any younger ). Happy Wednesday Colette.

  2. I miss those kinds of times with my now adult son, and hope I can figure out how to create some of them in future. My sons' growing-up days were the best years of my life, probably-- living with them, work and effort that it was. Now we're lucky enough to have grandchildren in our lives, but we don't see them often and they will be growing up fast, as kids do. -Kate

  3. That was a lovely grandparent/grandson time together. Things went so well. Sweet in every way.

  4. That's good. He had to remember it used to be fun, and by golly, still is.

    1. He took the cards with him when he left. Ha! Luckily, I have at least 10 million packs of cards around here.

  5. It was the other way round when I was a boy. I wanted to keep on hugging my parents but they decided I was getting a bit too old for that and they stopped hugging me. I'm impressed that grandson has his own special cookie recipe - with delicious results.

  6. Oh, what a lovely day you had, Colette! My oldest 2 grandkids are in high school and I rarely get to see them. We "Snapchat" to keep in touch and I follow them on Instagram. I'm just glad to keep in contact with them! But I do miss the old days of sleepovers and games!

  7. War is always a crowd-pleaser. I remember when I was about 10, and I was at my grandparents' house for my grandfather's final illness, my great aunt came to visit. She played war with me and my brother on the floor one night and we had the best time. I thought she was so cool! I spent very little time with her overall but I will never forget that memory.

  8. Grandchildren do have a way of distancing themselves, but sometimes they come back. Once again, I have a terrific relationship with my oldest grandson. Be patient! (He hugs me too!)

  9. Next time, play for money. Then you'll find out what he's really made of.

  10. The simple things, the lovely simple things.


So, whadayathink?