coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Back in the day

My mother would have disapproved of Trump, Putin and the mean spirited hijinks of the current GOP. She had no respect for bullies, narcissists, and ruthless billionaires. She knew them for what they were, selfish monsters.

My mother-in-law was the same. She really hated liars and people who bragged about themselves all the time. She could spot a liar a mile away, and then she'd laugh and mimic them, thinking them ridiculous.

And they would NEVER have trusted a man who cheated on his wife.


  1. Cheating on all his wives was the least of his bad traits. He is pure evil. My father would have disliked this man a great deal. My mom does! My father loved Pres. Obama which shocked us all. My father used to be Archie Bunker.Then as he aged he changed, he softened, he saw the error of his ways. He apologized. Then he heard from my mom that I was working with Women for Obama campaign while living in the DC Metro area. He told me he was proud of me. Only time I ever heard those words from him. I got to see my father change and you don't see that often in life. Then he called to tell me he voted for my man. It was so damn cute. Thx for giving me that memory of him today. :-)

  2. It's reassuring I think. Knowing in my bones that both of my parents wouldn't tolerate for a second any populist garbage. For reasons.

    1. It is reassuring. My paternal grandfather was a different story. He was filled with hate.

  3. My beloved late mother-in-law LOATHED Donald Trump and made no bones about it. In fact, in her last year or two of life, hating his guts was one of her last pleasures! I remember when he was first elected I said, "Well, if he's too bad maybe he'll get impeached." She replied, "And maybe he'll get shot. And I'd as soon one as the other." (Delivered in her sweet Southern accent!)

  4. I believe you had the same mother-in-law and mother I did!

  5. I know my mother would have approved of Obama and disliked Trump, and I'm certain my grandmother would, too. It would have been the lying and wife cheating in both cases.

    1. I don't understand what has happened to this country.

  6. I'm always shocked that anyone supports him at all! He's always been awful.

  7. Liars usually think they're getting away with their lies, but most people can smell a liar pretty quickly. Hard to say who my parents would have disapproved of. They were a strange mixture of left-wing and right-wing views.

    1. I just realized some of your earlier posts went to my spam folder. Sorry!

  8. I just cannot understand how anyone could possibly vote for this man. It's actually quite scary that there are so many out there who can overlook all the bad things he has done. Just makes you wonder about our society.


So, whadayathink?