coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Monday, February 12, 2024

Outside looking in

I don't watch sports, and I usually don't know who is playing at the Super Bowl. In fact, I only know there is a Super Bowl because it is the sale and promotion theme at the grocery store. You know, cakes disguised as footballs, chicken wings, trays of sliders, two for one chips.  

This year, like so many others, I was aware because I like Taylor Swift. I don't believe I've ever heard any of her music, but I like her style. I think she's a wonderful role-model or hero for the younger generations. The whole reissuing her own music thing is epic. It makes me smile. 

One of my nieces gave me a tip on a Taylor Swift album to start out with, but I've misplaced the text. Truthfully, I am reluctant to listen because I don't want to dislike her music. I'm happy liking her from afar, simply because she's a positive cultural icon.  

I especially like that the MAGA morons don't like her. It's fun to imagine what buttons she pushes that drive them wild.  


  1. She has a wholesome reputation which is unusual these days. She sets a good example for the youngsters who are fans.

  2. It has occurred to me that Taylor Swift has a following much like that which Bob Dylan once had. I would hope that she would endorse Joe Biden. I'm sure that Bob Dylan's endorsement of Jimmy Carter helped him into the White House. It has also occurred to me that Joe Biden is the first Democratic president in recent years who has not acknowledged Bob Dylan in some way in his presidency, for whatever reason.

    I don't follow football (or any sports!) either but YouTube let me know that there was a strange ad for RFK Jr. during the Super Bowl.

    Strange days without relief!

    I'm wondered how many, if any votes, he picked up with that ad.

  3. I'm with you. I am not a fan of her music. I'm too old. But I admire the hell out of her. Her philanthropic work and that her mere being upsets weak men. She said at a concert to vote for those who believe in human rights etc. and that got their panties in a twist. You have to laugh. It's so ridiculous! Now they are saying she rigged the game somehow. It's all so childish.

    1. Rigged the game! Ha! That's a good one. They must think she's even more powerful than she is.

  4. That meme pretty much covers it. I think of her as the new Dolly Parton; self made business woman, a billionaire. I read a male put down insinuating she was only with Kelce for the money and a female writer answered he was kidding of course. Or not. Ignorance, etc.

    1. As if she doesn't have WAY more money than him.

  5. I did know about T Swift before her connection to football. While I wouldn't call myself a fan, I like what I've heard of her music but I especially like how she manages her business.

    1. Her business decisions are especially wonderful.

  6. She has lots of good songs and she seems genuine. She's also tired of men's shit and says so.

  7. I agree with you about Taylor Swift. She is a hard working artist and she seems to have a good heart. I like her even more now that she is speaking up and encouraging young people to vote.

    1. I hope her encouragement to vote is effective.

  8. I've yet to discover what makes her so popular but maybe it'll dawn on me in due course. It's interesting that Trump hates her because she's advising everyone to vote Democrat.

  9. I'm against nostalgia; decrepit as I am, raddled with disease, a social hermit, getting more and more sour by the minute, I rarely yearn for the Old Days. Perhaps it was the influence of a very powerful Bloody Mary but I decided to watch half the Super Bowl (starting 23.30 our time) and VR kept me company. Was this nostalgia for the late sixties, watching the Packers vs. the Cowboys on b&w TV, the temperature at Lambeau Field being a frisky -17 deg F? Well, perhaps.

    Things had changed. The players and their helmets looked so clean and shiny. As if they were ladies of the night lacquered up for a session out on the streets. And the talking, so much talking. (The direct result of the UK channel having sold hardly any commercials, leaving them with no alternative for filling in the very many gaps that can stretch out 15 minutes play into lasting three-quarters of an hour.) So I watched in silence and it looked as if I'd sliced off the top of an ant-hill and it was going-home time in Ant-opolis.

    As L. P. Hartley said: "The past is a different country. They do things differently." My best wishes to Taylor Swift; twice blest for having two surnames.

    1. When I was a kid growing up in South Bend, Indiana my Catholic family members were crazy for Notre Dame football games. I'm not sure I've watched a game since.


So, whadayathink?