coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 2024 with a touch of bromeliad

It has been a busy month for us. Well, busy by our lazy and reclusive retirement standards. We've had two short term visitors this month. A beloved nephew, and then an old friend. Both visits were deeply meaningful and gave me a lot to think about.

Tomorrow we pick up my Baby Sister from the airport. She is just here for the weekend. I look forward to sitting out on the lanai, talking and talking and talking. When my mother was alive, Baby Sister and I talked on the phone every Saturday morning. She was Mom's caretaker. My mother was in the advanced stages of Parkinson's for a long time, and it was hard to talk to her on the phone because I couldn't always understand what she was saying. Baby Sister was my touchstone when it came to Mom. I say "Mom," but as often as not we called her Ma. Why is it so hard for me to believe my mother has been gone for over 9 years? 

I must admit, this whole "time" thing really messes with my brain.

a crazy bromeliad


  1. It is heartening to have these glimpses into your life with family and friends. Thank you so much.

    When my middle sister (there are three of us -- I'm the oldest) was living in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, I sent her a bromeliad because the hospital where I worked as a transcriptionist had one near the cafeteria. I thought it was the most wonderful plant I had ever seen. Sweet to know they grow in your garden and likely would be able to grow in Mississippi!

    1. Oh yes, Mississippi could handle bromeliad!

  2. I still miss my parents every day. Daddy died in 1982 and Mom died in 1993. I still feel like an orphan sometimes.

  3. One of my daughters calls me Ma. The other, Mom. Perhaps someday I'll ask. My own mother has been gone 27 years. I think we called her Mom.

  4. I absolutely miss my mom every day. The void is more intense whenever I speak to one of my relatives. But so to is the joy of remembering happier times.

    Love the plant.

  5. I wish I could have a bromeliad like this one!
    My siblings are distant, we try, but no, I left the town, the state, the country and even the continent. That's too strange for them, both stayed put, just walking distance away from our childhood home.
    I probably did everything the worng way when our parents died.

  6. I still talk to my Mom all the time even though she died 10 years ago. I'm lucky to have my sister and 2 brothers here in my town.
    Cool bromeliad! Enjoy the visit with your sister, Colette!

  7. Nothing better than a sister (blood or otherwise)!

    It's been 12 years since my mother died and I still get the urge to call her. Always in our hearts!

  8. Indeed, where does the time go? My mother died in 2018 but it seems like last week.

  9. I would get a phone call from my father nearly every Sunday morning.I would get all the family news and details of what was growing in the garden or happening in the village. He died at the start of the new century but some Sunday mornings I still half expect his call.
    Yes, time is such a strange, elastic thing, it pulls us all over the place! Loving parents we keep with us always, I'm forever saying, "wouldn't Mom/Dad have loved this!"


So, whadayathink?