coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Sunday, May 26, 2024

What to do?

The other day I was out doing yard work and walked into the remains of a palm tree frond that protruded from the tree. It caught me in the middle of my forehead. I was the one who originally cut that frond back, and I did a bad job.  So it was there to get me, knowing I would eventually wander back not looking where I was going.  

I determined the resulting cut on my forehead wasn't deep enough to warrant stitches or a trip to the ER.  Still, it bled, and might scar.  It also swelled up a little, even down around the bridge of my nose.  I had a slight headache, and iced the area for relief.  Today I'm better.

Last night, though, I had an anxious fantasy that I would die from a brain bleed over night. Consequently I emailed a few of my favorite people telling them quite simply that I loved them. That's all. I'm such a drama queen. I was at peace when I went to sleep.

Happily, I woke up.  Good thing, too, because I forgot to email my siblings.  


  1. I am glad to know that you will recover and hope there will be no scars! We cannot be too careful, nature is not kind.

  2. Wouldn't that have been annoying? To go to permanent napland because of something so lame? Not from skateboarding or achieving a triple-whammy back flip with an audience?
    Glad you're still with us.

  3. Who knew palm trees were so dangerous. I'm glad you recovered but isn't it frustrating when you can't even blame someone else:)

    1. Yep, it is very frustrating and a little embarrassing. I fear I am the dangerous one.

  4. Yikes!! Who knew that palm trees could be so dangerous? Thank goodness you're okay today.

    1. I am. If it wasn't so darn hot I'd go out there and saw that sucker right off.

  5. I read palm trees are trimmed for appearance and to keep the critters down. Do you have butterfly bandages? One of them saves a stitch trip pretty often. Of course you can make them, too.

  6. Ouch! Glad you're better. I guess it never hurts to tell people you love them. :)

  7. Umm, don't mean to laugh at you, but this was so "me". My wife always makes fun of me because if there's a cabinet, countertop, cupboard, range hood, tree branch or any other protrusion anywhere in life, my head seems to find it. Glad you survived.

  8. Ouch! Glad you are going to be okay. Maybe have someone trim that back a bit more?!? ;)

  9. I'm happy you are still with us. Take care.

  10. An unfortunate accident. I know what you mean about minor symptoms leading to crazy fantasies. I've imagined plenty of desperate medical conditions.

    1. It's hard not to let one's imagination run wild.

  11. glad to read you recovered from the wayward frond.

  12. I despair of bloggers who stop blogging because "there's nothing left to write about". Surely the next step is: "I'm not going to think because, etc, etc." Tragic, really. Thinking is what separates us from the stone slabs that form the driveway. Here you've come up with an object lesson for those no-hopers - you've written about something that didn't happen. In fact the range of things "that didn't happen" could well be infinite. Discuss, in less than ten thousand words.

    1. You never fail to entertain me. And make me think.

  13. That looks a fairly brutal piece of vegetation for your head to come in contact with, I'm glad you are alright! My imagination is also capable of going into overdrive, especially in the middle of the night or at weekends when I know that the hospitals will be overloaded with patients. Last week my worry was an infected big toe. Sepsis loomed! Of course it was the weekend and it took forever to hear from the emergency doctor. I did eventually get a prescription for a course of penicillin. Panic over!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who lets their imagination run wild. I'm glad you got the toe taken care of.

  14. Wouldn't a brain bleed be an internal thing, and not an external cut? :) Anyway, glad you survived!

    1. Yes, but it was quite a wack on my forehead, and I am a bit of a worry wart, ha.

  15. Reminds me of hiking behind an unexperienced hiker who would push a branch aside and then just let it snap back into my face. There's nothing quite like a slap from mother nature. Hope you heal up quickly.


So, whadayathink?