coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Sunday, June 9, 2024

And now for the maintained garden beds

Yesterday I posted the drop garden meadow from our NYS home.  Today I will finish up this nostalgic love story with pictures of the more formal beds.  

The vegetable garden

I wish this was a better picture

This takes in a few garden beds, and 
looks back to the vegetable garden

the front of the house

my favorite photo of "the land"

July - sheer joy

one of the beds in front of the drop
gardened meadow

The wetlands way out back, with some
drop gardened purple bee balms


  1. It looks like a show garden. Not jealous at all. This is what I wish my garden looked like but I have a small yard and two large dogs and I live far north.
    I especially love the rudbeckia, one of my favorite flowers but it doesn't do well here, unless you treat like an annual, which gets expensive.

  2. Utterly gorgeous.

    I have dreams of formal beds like these but the man grows food, no discussions.

  3. Beautiful! Such a labor of love!

  4. These photos of your past garden are a treasure. Thank you so much for sharing them.

  5. Do you know if the current owners have been able to maintain the gardens, or do you just think back on them with pleasure?

    1. The people who bought it from us did not keep up with it all, which I understand. They had two young children and worked. We drove by about 2 years after we moved away, and it looked like they removed a couple of beds, including the ones in front and on the side of the house. Couldn't really see out back too well. However, they sold the house about 4 years ago, and the new owner found the map, and contacted me for the summary. So, who knows? I never really expected any one to maintain it like we did.

  6. It must have been relaxing to live among all that beauty.

  7. Wow! Very impressive! Where are the weeds?! ;)
    So glad you have these lovely photos!

  8. A very impressive garden you had there. As Ellen says, where are the weeds? I see the vegetable garden is well protected by netting. Hopefully that meant a bumper crop of vegetables.

  9. Oh wow! I'm sure such a huge responsibility would condemn me to a worsening of my condition and - quite quickly - an early grave. Our house had a tiny lawn, hardly worth bothering about. I had it replaced with paving bricks. And now weeds flourish in the gaps between the bricks and I must resort to the long-handled wire brush. Can't bend, you see.


So, whadayathink?