coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Oh gee, it's been a month since my last post.  I wish I could say I've been too busy to write, but that wouldn't be true. 

It's been hot, muggy and rainy here; however, that's true so many other places. I shouldn't complain. We've been having heat advisories, and then heavy rains that make the yard too mushy to work in. We're kind of trapped inside the house where it is cool until mid-September. It was fun for a couple of weeks, but now it's boring. I need to force myself to do inside things. Writing my blog is a good start. Maybe tomorrow I'll start to make a quilt for my grandson. There are any number of things I could be doing, actually. What's wrong with me?

Here are some flowers in bloom around the house right now.  How can one be bored when there are so many photo opps?


  1. That opening bromeliad is lovely. And the canna. Heck, they all are beautiful.

    1. We planted that bromeliad at least 4 years ago, and this is the first year it bloomed! Very exciting.

  2. Good to hear from you! Lovely flowers and blue sky.

    1. Good to hear from you, too. Hope all is well.

  3. Oh, your blooms are so lovely, Colette! Thank goodness for A/C!
    I don't miss the "olden" days before we had it! ;)

  4. It's been extremely rainy here too - a month's rain in a week, so I'm told. So like you, gardening is out while everything's still so mushy. But you've got some nice flowers in bloom.

  5. As long as you are in good health you should be enjoying yourself. Writing a blog can wear a person down after a while. Stay cool, enjoy your flowers, and if you feel the urge write again. Best wishes.

  6. You certainly got non-boring flowers there.

  7. Thanks for braving the heat and humidity to share these beautiful flowers. If it makes you feel any better, we, in upstate NY, are often hotter than you. Our weather is definitely broken.

    1. It is true. Sometimes you are hotter than us. But we are hot like this consistently for at least 3 months, often longer. It started earlier this year for all of us. That's a big concern. I've been surprised by the extremely hot days you all had in June.

  8. I'm glad all is well there, Colette. I love seeing your beautiful blooming flowers. I hope things cool down soon. (NewRobin13)

  9. Per usual, love the photos. Your plants are a wonderful. Get started on that quilt. :-)

    1. Thanks for the directive! I have not started. Now, I must!!

  10. Summer in Florida is always a challenge! Your flowers are looking great, though! And at least you're getting rain, which makes a big difference in terms of cooling off the afternoons.

  11. This is very true. I'm always happy when it rains in Florida. For a number of reasons.


So, whadayathink?