coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Getting creative with technology during a global pandemic

We FaceTimed our great-granddaughter, Sweet C, in Kentucky the other day. She was SO cute, and seemed interested in the two old folks yammering at her on the screen. I sang to her, and played pattacake.

Grandson N received his first cell phone so he can interact with the outside world. (When he is allowed to use the phone) he has been texting us with hilarious messages containing no periods or commas. 

I sent a New York State friend photos of our current Florida flowers. She sent me back photos of old friends like blood root, bleeding hearts, and daffodils poking their heads out of the cold, dark NYS soil. Spring is coming!

Great Grandpa, pulling out all the stops to entertain Sweet C

My correspondence with N.  My comments are in blue.  I'm trying to figure out if he is being a smart aleck when he says "That's fascinating"

Bleeding Hearts, lifting our spirits as life returns to the frozen northlands


  1. I love that you FaceTimed with your grand-daughter. A wonderful way for her to get to see you and her grandfather. The text message with your grandson is so good. Wonderful way to stay connected in these times. And yes, Bleeding Hearts lift our hearts, and we so need that. Take care there.

    1. You, too. Hope the earthquakes are done shaking things up in your neck of the woods.

  2. Technology that helps is wonderful. I'm glad you're able to stay in touch with everyone.

    The snow is slowly leaving us here but already green plants are coming up.

    1. So exciting. I crave northern plants. Please post pictures of them!

  3. I love bleeding hearts. I've never had much luck with them, but as a child there was a stone wall in the yard that tumbled down all summer with bleeding hearts.
    It's great, the visits with the grands. They are having such a different childhood.

    1. I had bleeding hearts up north. In early spring I would always look to see if they were starting to come up.

  4. My sister has built great relationships with her grandchildren by FaceTime and having them stay with her once a year. It’s not easy and she beats the burden of the travel costs but I’m super impressed how well it has worked.

  5. I have used Google Duo to video chat with one of my grandsons. He always has lots to tell me and likes to show me all of his favorite hot wheel cars! Always lifts my spirits. I know a man who died from the virus on Friday at our local hospital. His wife is also in the hospital and not doing well. So sad. I does show that we need to stay at home and stop the spread of this terrible virus.

    1. Sorry to hear about your friend who died. I'm hoping for the best for his wife.

  6. Our bleeding hearts look about the same. Glad you're able to spend some online QT with your family!

    1. I had happy hour with about 9 of them from all over the U.S. yesterday. It was surprisingly fun.

  7. I know how important these techie visits can be. If possible, the old fashioned ones can be arranged even in isolation. Today I got to see my new granddaughter on the other side of a glass door. My heart was broken that I could not hold her, but was grateful for any way to connect. Face timing with my other grandchildren and my children has become really important right now. We are doing game night this week on Face Time and it will be the best night of the week for us all.

    1. Game night! What a great idea. What game are you playing?

  8. I'm so Thankful for the Technology that keeps us all Connected, especially during a time like this where we simply must remain socially apart. You never know what a Child finds 'fascinating'... or perhaps that is the New Phrase of the Moment? Right now my 19 Year Old Grandson in Washington State is always saying 'realistically'... LOL

  9. FaceTime seems to be today's Skype. Perhaps it has other delightful features but Skype has provided ecstasy and I don't mean the little blue pills. As you know I used it as a substitute for my visits to V and her piano for singing lessons. If anything the lessons became even more technical even more intense; if my immune system holds out singing will help me outlast The Plague.

    When my much delayed webcam arrived I used my brother (Sir Hugh) who lives 200 miles away to help prepare Skype and my computer for V's lessons. We went at it like rank amateurs, ignoring all the helpful videos, pressing this icon and that. It took ages and twice we had to use the phone when we lost the sound. Finally it worked.

    In the interim I'd been nagging at my daughter, Occasional Speeder, to set up Skype. She lives only 45 minutes away and we hadn't seen her for three weeks. She's a Mac freak and doubted Skype would work. Finally I had an email which said she'd call at 5 pm.

    I was quite nervous. Watched all the videos, memorised the icons, went to the loo. Dead on time the Skype-phone burbled and I pressed just one icon. Her familiar face immediately appeared. "Oh," she said, "I can't see you." I pressed one further icon. "Now, I can," she said. We became quite emotional, strange because we are Brits, although OS has dual Anglo-US citizenship. Born in the US, you see. Perhaps that made the difference.

    Now, tell me, what's FaceTime got that Skype hasn't?

  10. FaceTime is really easy to use, and comes installed and ready to go on a Mac device. Why are you wasting this great story as a comment when it would make a lovely blog post? I really enjoyed this.

  11. Communicating with interesting articulate people beats doing a lovely post every time.


So, whadayathink?