Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropped out just before Super Tuesday. Elizabeth Warren dropped out a few days later. These were my top three candidates.
When Pete dropped out, I threw a big stinkin' fit. I'm not bragging, I'm just not going to lie. This is what I posted:

Then Amy dropped out. Sheesh.
I appreciate the self-sacrifice of these two candidates. I am in awe of the swift strategic brilliance of it all. Who knew the Democrats could still pull together and show unity/strength? Anyway, I still had Elizabeth! She was probably the best candidate anyway, right? And I'm sorry, but I really, really, really want women (plural) to be in power. So I posted this:

I got a lot of sh** with that one from angry, threatened men, and women who do not want to appear threatening. They took their best shots. I took it on the chin. I got way more support and sympathy than criticism.
Then Elizabeth Warren dropped out. I have no illusions about sexism, or misogyny in American politics. I've been a feminist since 1968. My heart no longer breaks. It pounds, hard and loud. Occasionally it spurts blood. Politics are messy. Some battles may never be won, but they still must be fought.
I'm feeling pretty good today. I can step back and let the two remaining candidates try to convince me. It's almost a relief not having to care so much anymore.
I'll vote for one of The Men in November. I won't be excited for either, but I'll vote. If the winner doesn't choose a woman VP, I will feel betrayed and angry, but I won't be surprised.
My passion now will be doing what I can to ensure that the Democrats take over the majority in the Senate. If you can't do one thing, then look around for something else you CAN do.
Thank you for writing this down and for your posts on Facebook too. I'm with you. I'm voting blue in November and will feel really good about if there is a woman on the ticket. Yes! It's amazing that I still have hope.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you still feel hope. I do.
DeleteThose were my candidates in the same order as you, with Kamala thrown in the mix also. My hope is that there will a place for them in the cabinet so that when they run again, they will have an even more impressive resume.
ReplyDeleteWe just have to rid ourselves of 45, so the VP has to be a strong candidate.
Yes, I liked Kamala as well. There are so many good people who could help advise the next president. I hope they get their chance.
DeleteI think they did the right thing, the evacuees. We need to pick a candidate and win the election. And three cheers for Elizabeth, for taking down Blumberg.
ReplyDeleteThe "evacuees" were amazing. And the show of unity and strength was a thing of beauty. And yes, three cheers for Elizabeth, the dragon killer.
DeleteI didn't like any of them (although I found Andrew Yang intriguing) but of course you know I view all politicians as cheats and thieves. I wouldn't trust any of them any further than I can throw the dining room table. You are smart to concentrate on doing what you can around you.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Yang is intriguing. I also liked Tom Steyer, but not enough to vote for him. I've kind of had it with trusting billionaire businessmen to run a government. Not the same thing. Different skill set.
DeleteI try hard to be a feminist but I frequently get the grammar wrong or choose the wrong word meaning and then the real feminists are on me like a ton of bricks.
ReplyDeleteWe have the same problem here in the UK; the Labour Party (roughly equivalent to your Democrats) got the slats kicked out of them at the last General Election in December for fielding a real leftie leader (ie, he said nice things about the Irish Republican Army who blew us up with bombs for more than a decade, also about Hamas and you know about them) and are presently choosing a new leader.
The short list is now down to three, one fella and two women. I would dearly like a woman to lead Labour but the fella is by far the most competent candidate. I watched him day after day in Parliament and he did a terrific job trying to stop Brexit happening. We, like you, need to get rid of the clown presently running the country and - very reluctantly - I'd have to say that is our number one priority. A further problem is that one of the women is sponsored by the former leftie leader and that is real electoral poison. I know you're emotional about things but you gotta be pragmatic too. Yes you'd prefer a woman candidate, but even more you'd prefer a winner.
Hey ho. How's the knee?
The knee is coming along nicely, I think.
DeleteI don't think one should have a woman leader if the only choice is a woman who is not adequate. That would defeat the purpose. I actually think Hillary was the best qualified in 2016, and I think Liz Warren is better suited to leadership than most, and equal to all. My motto is: All things being equal, choose the woman.
It was disappointing but I should be used to that. I just want to be done with Trump and can't bear to imagine that not happening in November. {{shudder}} I will vote blue for sure.
ReplyDeleteThat's the spirit!
DeleteI think Bernie and/or Biden almost HAVE to choose a woman, and probably a woman of color, as a running mate. They both need to demonstrate a commitment to a diverse field, and Democratic voters want that. I also feel that it's way past time for a woman to be president. That last election still smarts.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. If they don't, it will be a huge slap in the face.
DeleteWell said... my fav candidate was Yang, I thought he was very intelligent and in tune with viable solutions. I hope as the Dems band together they will form a solid coalition that prevails against the Orange Menace and unites our Country with shared Vision instead of all this division and fear based anger that has become so prevalent among so many. I don't want to Care so much... but I just do... and dealing with that is sometimes difficult.