coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Window to the soul

I have my mother's eyes. They are small and slant upwards, and as I age my eyelids droop. Just like Mom. I also have her mouth, and her body type. My nose is more like my father's. Parents, family, DNA; it's all so interesting.  

Who do you look like?


  1. Body similar to dad, only much more short. Face, like mom's.

  2. That is such a good question. I have often wondered about that. iI think my twin brother and I look like my mother's side of the family especially as we get older.

  3. As I get older I look a lot like my mother, although I don't have her eyes. But the hair and the shape of my head and so on, enough for relatives to be taken aback and when my father was drifting off into his slow sleepy dying, I was afraid he would get me confused with her as they separated years ago with a lot of drama. But no, he knew it was me.

  4. I would welcome pictorial parallels with your navel. Mine resembles an astronomical Black Hole, though somewhat smaller.

    1. If the doctor who delivered me was still alive, I would thank him for a job well done. I have no complaints.

  5. When I was a teen-ager I would be told I looked exactly like whichever parent I was with. I probably did. The older I get the more I look like my mother. What is disconcerting is occasionally when I begin to speak my mother's voice comes out of my mouth. I immediately close my mouth in shock. I have my own voice when I speak the next time.

    1. Recently I have been seeing pictures of myself wherein I have adopted mannerisms so much like my mother that it scares me.

  6. As I age, I look more like my Mom did. My sister and I are starting to look alike too and we never did as kids!


So, whadayathink?