coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Salesmen, sheesh!

We've been having issues with our old sliding glass door, to the point where we haven't been able to open it. We thought maybe it was time to replace it? Tom arranged for two companies to come and give us quotes. I try to avoid salespeople if I can. In fact, I make Tom answer the door because 9 times out of 10 it IS a salesperson.  

The first salesman talked non-stop for an hour. I couldn't believe it! I was on my computer in another room while he yammered on and on to Tom. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer. I went in, sat down across from him and looked deep into his eyes. He stopped talking. Good thing because I'm adept at interrupting motor mouthed men. 

I was going to use my best old lady smile and say all friendly like "Darn, you sure talk a lot!" But my superpower was not needed because he clearly didn't want to talk to me. He got busy "figuring" and gave us a quote of $6,700. After Tom told him it was too much, he then came down to $5,500. As if!

The second salesman was more straight forward. He was here less than 15 minutes and gave us a quote of $3,800. Better, maybe even almost fair - it included a $675 permit required.  The first salesman's quote did not. Still, a mind-blowing amount for retired folks on a fixed income. 

Next, Tom called a repairman. The guy was here for less than an hour replacing this and that. Our angel-with-a-truck fixed that door as good as new for $200. You should have seen Tom's happy face when he came in to get the checkbook from me.  

Tomorrow we are taking our car in to get fixed. Can we get lucky two days in a row? Probably not, but for today I'm a happy old lady with a very real, big smile.


  1. Fingers crossed for a simple little job on car if anything at all, but come on, these guys have to make a living somehow . . .
    One of the best things that came with my man's retirement was that it is now his responsibility to not only organise any necessary repairs but also look after the repair crew when they are doing their job.

    1. Thanks for those crossed fingers. I find that salesmen are more comfortable dealing with men. I'm certainly more comfortable not dealing with them at all.

  2. Working down the food chain ladder! Well done on pursuing the problem to a decent answer.

  3. I'm so glad that you could get the sliding glass door repaired rather than having it replaced. I'm surprised at how much that first guy's quote was. Yikes.

  4. A good handyman/repairman is a treasure! Good luck with the auto!

  5. It sure is expensive even when you don't have an "expert". My next post will be about the second round of repairs we are having done now.

  6. So you're custodian of the chequebook. A position of infinite power. No wonder the first huckster shut his face. I should add, VR and I have a joint bank account, it's been like that throughout the marriage. I've never worked out whether this would gain feminist approval (which I support) or not. It seems to be sort of rare.

    1. Tom and I have always had a joint checking and banking account. I suppose some might think that's a bad feminist act, but not me. I see marriage as essentially a business arrangment (complicated by love), and this seems the best way for my family to handle finances.

  7. Sounds like you chose wisely! Good job!

  8. My first thought was, surely a stuck door would have a a very simple solution/adjustment and the multi-thousand quotes were a blatant try-on. And so it turned out. $200 is more like it. Best of luck with fixing the car.


So, whadayathink?