coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Friday, January 21, 2022

It boggles the mind

 What I know after living through 4 years of Trump: 

At least half the voters don't really care about the issues, the public good, or the bigger picture. They specifically don't choose their candidates based on logic. They support people who normalize their base qualities. It's an emotional response, not an intellectual one.  

That's why you can talk until you are blue in the face, present all the "facts" and "proof" in the world, and they will not listen. You can't convince people like this because they make decisions based on their belief system, not with their logical mind.  

So how do you change their stance, their views? You present something that grabs them by the heart - challenging their belief system. Be prepared for anger, though. Belief systems are murky and primordial. 

Consider Boris Johnson.  He recently turned off a lot of his avid supporters by being caught doing something as simple as going to a party during COVID shutdown, after telling everyone else to stay home.  

It's a bit more complicated in the U.S., where Trump would never tell people to stay home or mask up, but I did notice that he was booed at one of his ridiculous "rallies" recently for telling his supporters to get vaccinated.  

Many thanks to Steve at Shadows & Light for making me think about Boris this morning.


  1. "Normalize their base qualities" -- that's a fascinating (and truthful) way to put it! I've noticed that many Trump supporters even excuse his support for the vaccine by saying he's been misled by the deep state. (Eye roll)

    As much as I dislike Boris Johnson, I'd rather have him than Trump. And that's saying something.

    1. I'd take Boris over The Donald any day, but would prefer neither.

  2. "You present something that grabs them by the heart."

    Wow! Thank you, Colette. For everything in this post.

    Minds cannot be changed but sometimes hearts can feel what minds fail to hear.


    1. This was an important insight for me when I did union organizing as a much younger woman.

  3. It's a mess in the US, isn't it? How will we get back on track, Colette? I don't know what to think about the terrible path that the Republicans have chosen to follow. It really surprises me.

    1. It is a mess. After 4 years of Trump, we are so divided we can barely function as a democracy.

  4. Boris Johnson is now thoroughly unpopular because of his compulsive lying and deceit and endless incompetence. He couldn't care less about the millions of people struggling to make ends meet and only wants to make the rich richer and give lucrative contracts to his pals. If he had any decency he should have resigned by now but he'll have to be pushed out of office kicking and screaming.

  5. "In this age of information, ignorance is a choice." - Donny Miller

    It seems paradoxical that in this age when information is instantly available at our fingertips, ignorance seems to be growing, even acceptable and normal.

    I am at a loss.

    1. Sadly, it doesn't have anything to do with thinking. It's all about feeling. Almost as if we are devolving as a species.

  6. Do as I say, not as I do. We have that same problem here.

    And you're so right, facts don't change someone's mind. Beliefs are not based in reality.

  7. Murky and primordial indeed, I won't even wade in those Waters of skewed Belief Systems, seems to contaminate everything it touches since the toxicity of it infects the afflicted deeply.


So, whadayathink?