coming out of my shell

coming out of my shell

Monday, July 22, 2024

Change is coming

I'm sad for Biden, who has been a good president, and is clearly a lovely man. However, I'm psyched that he stepped down. It was the right thing for him to do for the good of this country.

I'm feeling new energy, and new hope. A woman of color? Yes! She's a feisty, fearless woman who, like all vice presidents, has been relegated to the shadows so as not to shine brighter than the president. She remained loyal to Biden to the end. Now it's her turn. I can't wait for the old Kamala to return to the spotlight.

Imagine the people who will be voting for the first time, and how epic this vote will be. I'm also looking forward to the most exciting convention we've had in decades. Suddenly I like politics again. And depending on who she chooses as a running mate, it could get young people excited about politics, too. All this because our current president is a politician who cares more about this country than he does about himself. Thank you, Joe - for so many things.


  1. I have so much respect for Joe Biden. He'll go down in history as one of the greats. If only every politician would put their country above themselves and sacrifice for it the way he did. What a fine example he has set!

    And I'm feeling the excitement, too! How about that blowout fu draining day we had yesterday?! For the first time in weeks, I feel hopeful again.

  2. I read her bio on the White House website and she has really accomplished a lot during her years as Vice President. The media does not always bother to cover what the VP is up to. She also has such a strong background in public service.
    I agree with you that Biden cares for our country and proved it by stepping down.

  3. Yes! I feel the very same way. I am grateful for Biden's decision to drop out of the race and looking forward to Kamala's rise to power. (NewRobin13)

  4. Kamala!

    "... Imagine the people who will be voting for the first time, and how epic this vote will be ..."

    Everything just shifted in the best of ways. Joe Biden proved himself with a decision that was not easy for him to make. What an excellent decision he made in choosing Kamala Harris to be his vice-president four years ago.

  5. It is sad that the whole Democratic party turned their backs on Biden. There must have been a better way to handle this. Now we must coalesce to become a strong party again. President Biden was a great president. I hope he knows how much and how many people appreciate him.

    1. That's one way to look at it, and I applaud you for being such a good and kind person.

      In my mind he has been a terrific president, who at the end just didn't have the support to go forward. An election is about numbers, and it is the job of a political party to make sure their candidate can and will win. When he ran and won 4 years ago he did so while giving the impression that he wouldn't run again, and would pass the torch to the next generation. He probably shouldn't have run again. As it has turned out, he will be seen as a good president, and an amazing patriot who did the right thing, even though it was the hard thing. His place in history is secure. He's going to campaign for Kamala. That's how amazing he is.

  6. President Biden's legacy is secure. Now Kamala Harris probably will be our candidate and it's our job to get her elected.

  7. I hope Kamala can get the better of Trump despite his steady stream of disgusting and outrageous comments about her.

  8. Well put. I'm feeling exactly the same way.

  9. Hello! I am back blogging again and digging through my old blogs to try to reconnect. I am stoked that Kamala is running. It is time for a woman. Well, way past time for a woman but the right women in poltics are going to be the ones to save us from ourselves.

  10. I hope the excitement leads to action as in voting--BLUE. I hope that there are no 11th hour shenanigans. I hope . . . well, so much. Kudos to Biden. Bravura to Harris.

  11. Indeed, it's an exciting time even tho' I know the opposing side will devolve into their usual violence, so, November is unsettling in many ways too. I so want to see a Woman Prez in my Lifetime, it's long overdue.


So, whadayathink?